Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


International OCD Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 961029
Boston, MA 02196
Telephone: 617.973.5801
Web: www.ocfoundation.org

OCD Centre Manitoba, Inc.
100 – 4 Fort Street
Winnipeg, Mb R3C 1C4
Telephone: (204) 942-3331
Web: www.ocdmanitoba.ca/

PO Box 8955
NG10 9AU
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0845-120-3778
Email: support@ocduk.org or office@ocduk.org
Website: www.ocduk.org

For resources in other countries, see the IOCDF’s list of international resources.

Books for Educators:

Books for Families:

Note: There are numerous self-help books on dealing with OCD – and almost all of them are well-reviewed on Amazon.com, suggesting that there are many variations on how to present cognitive-behavioral interventions that individuals may find helpful. Here are just a few of these books:

Books and Videos for Children or Teens: