Executive Dysfunction

In many places, discussions of executive functions (and executive dysfunction) are considered part of ADHD.  In actuality, executive dysfunction (EDF) can co-occur or be part of other disorders as well, such as OCD or mood disorders or autism spectrum disorders.  In this section, we try to provide some resources on EDF that is not specific to any one disorder.

Web Sites:

  • Happy Neuron has some free online games that you can try that demonstrate elements of executive functions.
  • Activate Software: software for ADHD and executive functions has been field-tested in three school districts, according to the site.

Books for Educators and Other Professionals:

Books on Study Skills:  see Resource page on Homework Hassles

Books for Families:

Books and Videos for Children or Teens:

Some Free Handouts and Tools to Grab and Go*:

*Thanks to Woodbine House for giving us the digital rights to Challenging Kids, Challenged Teacher handouts.